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BE - IC- Semester 6 - Power Electronics - 2161708


Power Electronics

Pdf Specs


To study SCR characteristics THY04
2 To study MOSFET characteristics. THY09
3 To study DIAC characteristics and its application THY01
4 To study single phase half controlled bridge rectifier. RECT11
5 To study full wave controlled rectifier. RECT12
6 To study various methods of gate triggering. R, RC-half, RC-full, UJT triggering. THY100
7 To study TRIAC firing in four operation mode. THY02
8 To study different types of commutation techniques. Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D. SCR09
9 To study IGBT characteristics. THY14
10 To study three phase rectifiers with help of psim simulation software. x