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MSBTE - Semester - 5 - Computer Hardware & Networking - 17533
Pdf Specs Exp Trainers Model 1 Identity and understand different components of motherboard COMP100 2 Identify & understand the different types of Keyboard, Mouse & troubleshooting procedure 3 Understand different components of Hard Disks drive as a storage device & terms related to it. 4 Understand formatting and partitioning of Hard Disk 5 Identify and Install various types of Display Adapters 8 Understand the ATX Power Supply and SMPS 6 Install and understand the working of Scanner and Troubleshooting SCAN100 7 Install and understand the working of MODEM MODEM100 9 Identify various types of Printer and perform Installation DeskJet Printer Trainer DESKPRN100 Dot Matrix Printer Trainer DOTPRN100 Laser Printer Trainer (Monochrome) LASERPRN100 10 Identify and understand different types of Network Cable NTCABLE100 11 Installation of Client Server Network in Lab LAN100S
Pdf Specs
Identity and understand different components of motherboard
Identify & understand the different types of Keyboard, Mouse & troubleshooting procedure
Understand different components of Hard Disks drive as a storage device & terms related to it.
Understand formatting and partitioning of Hard Disk
Identify and Install various types of Display Adapters
Understand the ATX Power Supply and SMPS
Install and understand the working of Scanner and Troubleshooting
Install and understand the working of MODEM
Identify various types of Printer and perform Installation
DeskJet Printer Trainer
Dot Matrix Printer Trainer
Laser Printer Trainer (Monochrome)
Identify and understand different types of Network Cable
Installation of Client Server Network in Lab
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