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MSBTE - Semester - 6 - Very Large Scale Integration (Elective) - 17659
Pdf Specs Exp Trainers Model 1 Write VHDL program for any two basic gates VHDL100 2 Write VHDL program for full adder / subtractor & Synthesize using FPGA 3 Write VHDL program for 8:1 multiplexer & Synthesize using FPGA 4 Write VHDL program for 2:4 Decoder & Synthesize using FPGA 5 Write VHDL program for 8:3 Encoder & Synthesize using FPGA 6 Write VHDL program for synchronous counter & Synthesize using FPGA 7 Write VHDL program for binary to gray code converter & synthesize using FPGA 8 Interfacing of DAC and ADC using FPGA FPGA100 9 Interfacing Stepper motor controller using FPGA 10 Implement four Bit ALU or sequence generator. Theory
Pdf Specs
Write VHDL program for any two basic gates
Write VHDL program for full adder / subtractor & Synthesize using FPGA
Write VHDL program for 8:1 multiplexer & Synthesize using FPGA
Write VHDL program for 2:4 Decoder & Synthesize using FPGA
Write VHDL program for 8:3 Encoder & Synthesize using FPGA
Write VHDL program for synchronous counter & Synthesize using FPGA
Write VHDL program for binary to gray code converter & synthesize using FPGA
Interfacing of DAC and ADC using FPGA
Interfacing Stepper motor controller using FPGA
Implement four Bit ALU or sequence generator.
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