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E&TC - Semester - 8 - Broadband Communication Systems - 404189
Pdf Specs All Specs Zip Exp Trainers Model 1 Estimation of Numerical Aperture of Fiber FOT100A 2 Plot the Characteristics of Various Sources and Detectors OPT22A 3 Measure attenuation of MMSI and SMSI fiber and comment on the result based on attenuation due to increase in length as well as loss due to bend FOT100D 4 Set up a Digital link and analyze FOT102A 5 Tutorial: Power Budget and Time budget analysis of Optical fiber system TUTH101 6 Establishing a Direct communication link between Uplink Transmitter and Downlink Receiver using Tone signal. SATCOM100 7 To set up an Active Satellite link and demonstrate Link Fail Operation 8 To establish an AUDIO-VIDEO Satellite link between Transmitter and Receiver 9 To communicate VOICE signal through Satellite link 10 To transmit and receive three separate signals (Audio, Video, Tone) simultaneously through Satellite Link 11 To transmit and receive PC data through Satellite link 12 Tutorial: Satellite link design 13 Students, as a part of their term work, should visit satellite earth station and submit a report of visit.
Pdf Specs
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Estimation of Numerical Aperture of Fiber
Plot the Characteristics of Various Sources and Detectors
Measure attenuation of MMSI and SMSI fiber and comment on the result based on attenuation due to increase in length as well as loss due to bend
Set up a Digital link and analyze
Tutorial: Power Budget and Time budget analysis of Optical fiber system
Establishing a Direct communication link between Uplink Transmitter and Downlink Receiver using Tone signal.
To set up an Active Satellite link and demonstrate Link Fail Operation
To establish an AUDIO-VIDEO Satellite link between Transmitter and Receiver
To communicate VOICE signal through Satellite link
To transmit and receive three separate signals (Audio, Video, Tone) simultaneously through Satellite Link
To transmit and receive PC data through Satellite link
Tutorial: Satellite link design
Students, as a part of their term work, should visit satellite earth station and submit a report of visit.
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