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ELEX - Semester - 5 - Network Synthesis Lab - 304206
Pdf Specs Exp Model 1 Consider two port LC network, find all network functions and plot poles and zeros. NETSYNTH100 2 To carry out synthesis of one port LC network into any of the Canonical forms and verify practically. 3 To synthesize given transfer function into constant resistance network (Bridge T or Lattice) and verify practically. 4 To design 3rd order passive Butterworth/Chebyshev filters and realize/synthesize with scaling of frequency and impedance. 5 Design a Butterworth low/high pass filter Sallen Key circuit & verify (at least 2nd order). 6 Design a Chebyshev low/high pass filter Sallen Key circuit & verify (at least 2nd order). 7 To find gain of biquad op amp circuit & study sensitivity of gain against the different components. 8 To study effect of op amp characteristics on filter performance and compensation techniques for the same at least one parameter to be studied practically.
Pdf Specs
Consider two port LC network, find all network functions and plot poles and zeros.
To carry out synthesis of one port LC network into any of the Canonical forms and
verify practically.
To synthesize given transfer function into constant resistance network
(Bridge T or Lattice) and verify practically.
To design 3rd order passive Butterworth/Chebyshev filters and realize/synthesize
with scaling of frequency and impedance.
Design a Butterworth low/high pass filter Sallen Key circuit & verify (at least 2nd order).
Design a Chebyshev low/high pass filter Sallen Key circuit & verify (at least 2nd order).
To find gain of biquad op amp circuit & study sensitivity of gain against the different components.
To study effect of op amp characteristics on filter performance and compensation techniques
for the same at least one parameter to be studied practically.
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