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ELEX - Semester - 7 - Embedded Systems & RTOS - 404204

    Pdf Specs
Exp Embedded Systems & RTOS Trainer Model
1 RTOS porting on available micro controller board. ARM-CORTEX-M3


2 Interfacing of 4Χ4 Keyboard to a micro controller using μCOS- II task
3 Interfacing of 4Χ4 Keyboard, 16Χ2 LCD display and ADC to a micro controller
  using μCOS- II task
4 Implement a semaphore for any given task switching on a micro controller
5 Implementation of mutual exclusion in tasks as per 3.
6 Implementation of mailbox and message queue management in tasks as per 3.
7 Implementation of memory management in tasks as per 3.
8 Interfacing of LEDS and Keyboard using Linux OS ARM-9-RTOS
9 Interfacing of graphic LCD using Linux OS.
10 Interfacing ADC and DAC using Linux OS.

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