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ELEX - Semester - 8 - Computer Networks - 404209
Computer Networks Trainers Pdf Specs 1 Study of Network Commands & IP address Configurations LAN100W 2 Study of Cable Tester for Fault detection of UTP-CAT5 Cross / Straight LAN Cable 3 Implementation of LAN using Star Topology and Connectivity between Two computers using crossover UTP CAT5 cable 4 Installation and configuration of Web Server and Hosting Web page using HTML programming 5 Installation and Configuration of Proxy Server. 6 Installation and configuration of FTP server for FTP communication. 7 Installation and configuration of Telnet server for Telnet Communication 8 Write a program in "C" for Encryption and Decryption (RSA Algorithm). 9 Write a program in "C" for Shortest Path algorithm. 10 Connectivity of LAN computers to Internet using Dial-Up modem/Leased line Modem / Mobile Handset. (Installation and configuration). 11 Installation of Suitable Protocol Analyzing software and Analysis of Intranet activities
Computer Networks Trainers
Pdf Specs
Study of Network Commands & IP address Configurations
Study of Cable Tester for Fault detection of UTP-CAT5 Cross / Straight LAN Cable
Implementation of LAN using Star Topology and Connectivity between Two computers
using crossover UTP CAT5 cable
Installation and configuration of Web Server and Hosting Web page using HTML programming
Installation and Configuration of Proxy Server.
Installation and configuration of FTP server for FTP communication.
Installation and configuration of Telnet server for Telnet Communication
Write a program in "C" for Encryption and Decryption (RSA Algorithm).
Write a program in "C" for Shortest Path algorithm.
Connectivity of LAN computers to Internet using Dial-Up modem/Leased line Modem /
Mobile Handset. (Installation and configuration).
Installation of Suitable Protocol Analyzing software and Analysis of Intranet activities
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