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Basic Electronics Lab - Power Supply Trainers

  Power Supply Trainers Pdf Specs
1 Rectifiers Trainer RPS01
2 Half wave, Full wave and Bridge Rectifiers circuits RPS01
3 Half wave Rectifier Trainer RPS01A
4 Full wave Rectifier Trainer RPS01B
5 Bridge Rectifier Trainer RPS01C
6 Half-wave and full-wave rectifier RPS01B-C
7 Comparative study of Bridge Rectifier and Precision Rectifier RPS01D
8 Measurement of Load regulation and line regulation RPS01E
9 Capacitor filter for full wave rectifier RPS01F
10 Centre Tape Bridge Rectifier Trainer RPS01G
11 Junction Diode Rectifier & Filter Characteristics RPS02
12 RPS using Zener Diode                            RPS03
13 Zener Diode Voltage Regulator Trainer RPS03A
14 RPS using Series Transistor                      RPS04
15 RPS using Shunt Transistor                       RPS05
16 RPS using Series Transistor and Shunt Transistor RPS04-05
17 RPS using Three terminal Regulators              RPS06
18 RPS using Three terminal Regulator IC7805 RPS06A
19 RPS using Three terminal Regulators IC7905 RPS06B
20 RPS using Four terminal Regulators               RPS07
21 Variable RPS using IC 723 (Low and High Voltage) RPS08
22 RPS using IC 340 RPS08A
23 RPS using IC 337 RPS08B
24 Variable RPS using IC 317                        RPS09
25 RPS using foldback current limiting              RPS10
26 Transistor Electronics Voltage Regulator RPS10A
27 RPS using IC Opamp 741                         RPS11
28 Switch mode power supply (S.M.P.S.).             RPS12  
29 RPS with short circuit protection                RPS13
30 Voltage and Current regulated Power supply       RPS14
31 Transistor constant current regulator RPS14A
32 Dual tracking power supply                       RPS15  
33 Voltage Multiplier (Doubler, Tripler, Quadruple) RPS16
34 Voltage Doubler RPS16A
35 RPS with crowbar protection                      RPS17
36 Constant and Variable Current sources            RPS18
37 DC to AC Inverter                                RPS19
38 DC to DC Converter                               RPS20
39 Variable Voltage Regulator RPS21
40 Precision Half wave rectifier                    RPS22
41 Precision Full wave rectifier                    RPS22A
42 Halfwave/Full wave Voltage Doubler RPS23
43 Study of Battery Charger RPS24
44 Half wave/Full wave Voltage Doubler RPS25
45 Dual power supply using centre tapped bridge rectifier RPS26
46 Characteristics of C, C-R-C, C-L-C, II type filter Circuit RPS27
47 Capacitor Filter Circuit RPS27A
48 Inductor Filter Circuit RPS27B
49 Linear Voltage Regulator RPS28
50 Regulator Characteristics with inductance input filter in open Loop RPS29
51 Regulator Characteristics with capacitance input filter in open Loop RPS30
52 IC Regulated power supplies - +ve and –ve RPS31
53 To Design and fabricate a PCB for a regulated power supply RPS32
54 Emitter Follower type of Voltage Regulator RPS33
55 Positive and negative voltage regulators. RPS34
56 FET as Voltage Variable Regulator RPS35
57 Series Voltage Regulator Trainer RPS38
58 Power Supply Trainer RPS100
59 Power Supply Trainer RPS100BIG
60 Single Phase Power Supply Trainer RPS300
61 Double Phase Power Supply Trainer RPS400

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