Sr |
- 3 |
Code |
Syllabus |
Trainers |
1 |
Applied Mathematics III
EXS301 |
2 |
Electronic Devices |
EXC302 |
3 |
Digital Circuits and
Design |
EXC303 |
4 |
Circuit Theory |
EXC304 |
5 |
Electronic Instruments
and Measurements |
EXC305 |
6 |
Electronic Devices
Laboratory |
EXL301 |
7 |
Digital Circuits and
Design Laboratory |
EXL302 |
8 |
Circuit Theory Laboratory |
EXL303 |
9 |
Electronic Instruments
and Measurements Laboratory |
EXL303 |
10 |
Object Oriented
Programming Methodology Laboratory |
EXL304 |
Sr |
- 4 |
Code |
Syllabus |
Trainers |
1 |
Applied Mathematics IV
EXS401 |
2 |
Discrete Electronic
Circuits |
EXC402 |
3 |
Microprocessor and
Peripherals |
EXC403 |
4 |
Principles of Control
Systems |
EXC404 |
5 |
Fundamentals of
Communication Engineering |
EXC405 |
6 |
Electrical Machines
EXC406 |
7 |
Discrete Electronics
Laboratory |
EXL401 |
8 |
Microprocessor and
Peripherals Laboratory |
EXL402 |
9 |
Control System Laboratory |
EXL403 |
10 |
Electrical Machines Laboratory |
EXL403 |
11 |
Communication Engineering
Laboratory |
EXL404 |
Sr |
- 5 |
Code |
Syllabus |
Trainers |
1 |
Microcontrollers and
Applications |
EXC501 |
2 |
Design with Linear
Integrated Circuits
EXC502 |
3 |
EXC503 |
4 |
Signals and Systems
EXC504 |
5 |
Digital Communication
EXC505 |
6 |
Business Communication
and Ethics
EXS506 |
7 |
Microcontrollers and
Applications Laboratory
EXL501 |
8 |
Design with Linear
Integrated Circuits Laboratory |
EXL502 |
9 |
Digital Communication
Laboratory |
EXL503 |
Sr |
- 6 |
Code |
Syllabus |
Trainers |
1 |
Basic VLSI Design
EXC601 |
2 |
Advanced Instrumentation
EXC602 |
3 |
Computer Organization
EXC603 |
4 |
Power Electronics I
EXC604 |
5 |
Digital Signal Processing
and Processors
EXC605 |
6 |
Information Technology
For Management of Enterprises
EXC606 |
7 |
VLSI Design Laboratory
EXL601 |
8 |
Digital Signal Processing
and Processors Laboratory |
EXL602 |
9 |
Advanced Instrumentation
Laboratory |
EXL603 |
10 |
Power Electronics
I Laboratory |
EXL603 |
Sr |
- 7 |
Code |
Syllabus |
Trainers |
1 |
Embedded System Design
EXC701 |
2 |
IC Technology |
EXC702 |
3 |
Power Electronics-II
EXC703 |
4 |
Computer Communication
Networks |
EXC704 |
Elective I |
Digital Image Processing |
EXC7051 |
Artificial Intelligence |
EXC7052 |
ASIC Verification |
EXC7053 |
Optical Fiber
Communication |
EXC7054 |
6 |
Embedded System Design
Laboratory |
EXL701 |
7 |
IC Technology Laboratory
EXL702 |
8 |
Power Electronics-II
Laboratory |
EXL703 |
9 |
Computer Communication
Networks Laboratory |
EXL704 |
Sr |
- 8 |
Code |
Syllabus |
Trainers |
1 |
CMOS VLSI Design |
EXC801 |
2 |
Advanced Networking
Technologies |
EXC802 |
3 |
MEMS Technology |
EXC803 |
Elective II |
Robotics |
EXC8041 |
Mobile Communication |
EXC8042 |
Digital Control System |
EXC8043 |
Biomedical Electronics |
EXC8044 |
5 |
Laboratory |
EXL801 |
6 |
Advanced Networking
Technologies Laboratory |
EXL802 |
7 |
MEMS Laboratory |
EXL803 |